As proof that I am not the only one that feels this way, I have found someone who shares my enmity for ineffective commercials. This week I have invited Ashley Barnes to be a guest blogger to comment on one of her all-time favorite worst commercials.
Oh PC Laptops. Your increasingly, ridiculously cheap commercials continue to dismay and disillusion unsuspecting computer buyers. This commercial, though, has hit a new low—even for you guys. I will admit that when the PC Laptops first made their terrible debut, I thought they were being clever. Using a poorly budgeted commercial to show that the company has no money, on account of how incredibly cheap their computers are? Yeah, I could see it. Then I realized that PC Laptops was just lazy. I can see the advertising committee now:
“Hey, the audience seemed to like the first poorly done commercial. How about we just keep going with that?”
“Yeah, we could say it’s a funny trademark or something.”
“Plus, we can keep the leftover money from the commercial budget, and we wouldn’t even have to work.”
“Sounds good to me. Meeting adjourned. I now officially declare this block of time to be Advertising Naptime.”
At least the first few commercials were actually computer related. The commercial above is completely irrelevant to the computer industry. Just because a guy in a bad wig with a plastic gun is screaming in “space”, we’re supposed to buy laptops from your company? And don’t even get me started on the hazy green backdrop that was probably a downloaded image from Google. Really, Advertising Committee?
And now we come to the kicker, the thing that really gets my blood boiling: PC Laptops’ slogan. Is there any slogan that is more cliché than “We Luv You”? I suppose that they thought it was cute, and they were trying to appeal to our generation of the text-messaging language, but really, if you’re going to have a terrible commercial in the first place, then use a clever slogan. Or spell the slogan that you have correctly. After all, it’s the parents who’ve got the cash, and I’m sure they would be more willing to buy from you if you actually sounded intelligent. Besides, it’s a little known secret that at PC Laptops, they don’t really “luv” you; they just try to rip you off in any way possible. You would think that with the exorbitant fees they charge you for every move they make, PC Laptops would be able to afford a decent commercial.