Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Knock knock. Who's there? The interupting cow. The inter... MOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

This next commercial is one that I find particularly annoying.

Watching this commercial just frustrates me. It's so annoying to see him interrupt her the whole time. I'm so distracted by how annoying it is that I'm not really paying attention to what he is saying. Even if I were able to pay attention to what the message of the commercial is, I am so annoyed that I purposefully wouldn't do what it is telling me to do just out of spite for the crappy commercial.

The worst part is that State Farm has a whole series of commercials almost identical to this one. All of them feature the same man saying the exact same thing in mildly different locations. How these commercials are effective, I will never know.


Kasia Sue said...

Wow, that is annoying. Since when has it been catchy to interrupt someone? I guess since we do it all the time with text messaging and phone calls, people feel it is ok to interrupt anyone at any time. Good example of a terrible commercial!

Brian Clayton said...

I agree. It's almost as if they're saying "we're State Farm, and we care more about what we have to say then what the customer has to say. That's right, we're inconsiderate." Way annoying.

Anonymous said...

This is excellent evidence of something my COMMS 230 teacher mentioned last semester.

"Any advertising is good advertising, right? Wrong. Lots of advertisements actually cost companies business because they place the brand in a negative position in the consumer's mind."

It amazes me how much companies will pay to lose business.

AnnaLee said...

First of all I really appreciate how concise you were with your blog post. You got straight to the point-that this commercial is very annoying- and I couldn't agree more. It bothers me to see people constantly unintentionally interrupt others in conversations and to see someone doing it on purpose bothers me even more.

Michael Nelson said...

Funny part is that woman probably got paid a lot of money to say half of 2 words and smile. Maybe State Farm lost money but she profitted

Matthew Nixon said...

Thanks for the comments everyone. I'm glad you all seem to agree with me. Brian, you made a good point that State Farm comes of as inconsiderate. And Tom, I agree with you about how ridiculous it is how much companies spend on these commercials when they aren't effective. Kasia, Brian, and Mike, thanks for your comments as well.

Unknown said...

So my grandpa owns a State Farm insurance agency and though I support State Farm because of that, I hate their commercials too. The guy they chose to head their campaign is rather annoying and the woman should get a chance to speak!