Monday, October 4, 2010

No, I will not take on the machine.

Ok, so now lets get into the stupid commercials. Since I have already talked about a car commercial done right, I thought it would be fitting to analyze another car commercial that was done wrong.

This commercial is horribly ineffective. The ad doesn't even identify which car or even what brand it is until the last four seconds, and even then, if you aren't paying close attention, you could miss it. It doesn't give you any information about the car or what makes it good. All it does is portray the car racing through a completely fantastical and wholly unrealistic course that could never be duplicated in real life or be experienced by any driver who purchases the car. The only thing that the commercial does well, which it does marginally well at best, is to promote interest in going to the website However, the lack of information of what the car is or why it's special and the overall poor quality of the commercial destroy any and all interest I would normally have had in visiting the website and learning more about the car.

Be sure to comment and let me know what your thoughts are.


Giggles said...

Hmmm...I see what you mean! I think the video effects are somewhat interesting, but as far as the commercial's know, promoting this brand of car...Completely Failure!!! I barely caught the brand name during last two seconds of the commercial. I agree with you, bad advertisement:)

Unknown said...

For graphics, this commercial is awesome and would make every little boy want one. For a wife or husband deciding what car would be most efficient for their family, this does squat to really tell you much about the car. You're left to guessing so I agree with you. It would be interesting to see the response rate to the commercial